Team Member Turns a Problem Into a Solution
APRIL 2024 — Team members working in Greens Port’s material handling division know who to turn to should they have questions. It’s Crew Leader Eric Lavergne.
He’s one of the first people in every morning, and one of the last to leave. At the beginning of each day, Lavergne reminds his teammates to stretch. He’s also known for bringing in lunch for the team occasionally.
Making his teammates feel comfortable is his top priority. Which is why he always answers a question with “Let me show you.” Operations Supervisor Phillip Vasquez said: “Everyone can always go to him to ask questions. He makes them feel wanted and heard, and they love and respect him for it.”
And when Lavergne has questions of his own, he’ll be the first to speak up. If there’s no current solution, he’ll collaborate with teammates to identify one.
That’s what happened recently. Following the customer’s loading directions, Lavergne discovered that not all of the cargo would fit into one truck. He went to an account manager to see if an additional truck was needed. He also proposed an alternative loading plan.
After contacting the customer, they agreed to load the cargo the way Lavergne suggested. Everything fit, ultimately saving the customer time, money, and potential damages.
Vasquez said, “This job means more to Eric than picking up a paycheck. He wants to make a difference.”